Part Time Mba Malaysia
Best 174 part time master s degrees in malaysia 2020 2021.
Part time mba malaysia. Mba mba techno entrepreneurship mba strategic management mba healthcare management more part time. With aacsb amba and or equis accredition only. Fewer filter options more filter options. 21 universities colleges in malaysia offering best mba programmes.
Check the schools profiles for information on mba courses including study options tuition costs duration and admission requirements. Learn all about mba programmes in malaysia. Business masters full time. Best 52 part time courses in malaysia 2021.
Mba programs in malaysia. The taylor s mba also known as master of business administration is an academically rigorous coursework programme that is innovative practical and globally relevant. Our mba curriculum combines personalised leadership development with a strategised multidisciplinary approach to help you learn. 2 years from rm 23 595.
1 year part time. No 1 part time study university oum provides opportunities for working adults to further study with flexible entry flexibility learning and affordable fees. Mba mba techno entrepreneurship mba strategic management mba healthcare management. 6 part time mba programs in malaysia مليسيا sorted by popularity.
Earning an advanced degree like a master of arts may advance a stalled career or help someone move in a new professional direction. Kuala lumpur malaysia 17 followers 2 discussions. There are options to go for a full time or part time mba. Offered as both full time and part time courses mba involves in depth discussions and knowledge of real world business case studies alongside your regular curriculum.
Master of business administration mba by inti international university the course is structured with a deep understanding of theories exposing simulated and real business problems and environments. Fees mba schools intake dates and admissions. A very popular field of study master of business administration is the go to degree for a lot of young people worldwide. Academiccourses connects students with educators providing courses preparatory years short programs certificates diplomas and more.
Find out which part time mba in malaysia is right for your career. Mba mba techno entrepreneurship mba strategic management mba healthcare management.